Credit Cards

Are you ready to obtain financial freedom? Is your credit in the toilet? In need of purchasing a house and or a car? Then these letters are for you! Pre-Written dispute letters for every negative item, repossession, and inquiries.

 Repair your credit yourself...just like the experts do! You'll receive a detailed step by step credit repair guide and effective dispute letters.

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  • Detailed, STEP-BY-STEP, DIY Credit Repair instructions to repair your credit by yourself. 
  • Dispute Letters 
  • Dispute Reason Cheat Sheet
  • Debt Validation Letter,
  • Escalated Dispute Letter
  • Credit Tracker
  • Name and Address Removal Letter
  • Monthly Expenses Budget Worksheet.
  • Understanding Credit Handbook
  • Understanding My FICO Score 
  • Know your rights when a debt collector calls

Credit is power!, You can do more with great credit than with cash. A lot of people are skeptical about using credit repair companies because of the costs. You can do it yourself! and I have created this package to assist you with this process and journey towards your new beginning. 

Get Started Here